How Should A Nanny Say Goodbye
Saying goodbye can be particularly tough when nannies have formed a strong bond with children and their families.
When is it is time to say goodbye and move on to another family, the prospect of telling your young charges that you won’t be with them all the time any more can be a scary one for both you and them.
Here are our top tips for breaking the news to children:
Talk to the parents first
Don’t discuss leaving with the children unless you have already confirmed everything with their parents. You should also ask the parents whether they want to break the news to them first. In some cases, parents may decide its best for them to let them know.
How to share the news
When you do break the news to the child or children in your care, it’s wise to tell the child or children in a gentle tone, acknowledge any emotions that they might be showing and reassure them that you still care for them.
Prepare them in advance
Give the child or children advance notice that you will be leaving your role. This will give them the chance to emotionally prepare for your departure. If appropriate, answer any questions they might have and let them know you still care for them. Let them know they will still have people around who love and care for them.
Creative positive memories
If you’re letting the children know in advance that you’re leaving, try to create positive memories with them and partake in their favorite activities. This can make the process much less stressful for them, as well as serve as a much-needed distraction.
Maintain a sense of routine
Try to maintain a sense of routine and stability during your final weeks or days together. This can help children feel secure and ease them into the next chapter of their lives.
Acknowledge their emotions
Allow the children to express how they feel about your departure and let them know it’s fine for them to feel sad or upset. Comfort them if they are downhearted about the news.
Stay connected if possible
If this is appropriate and the family are happy with it, you could still stay in contact with the family in future. Many families want to retain a connection to their nanny, who was an important part of their young family’s life. You could do this through letters, emails or even visit, providing you and the parents agree on this. Knowing that you’ll keep in touch can be very reassuring for children.
Say goodbye with care
Your final moments with the child you’ve been caring for may be tough for both the child and yourself. Provide words of encouragement, hug them if appropriate and let them know you will always remember the times you had together. Include the parent or parents, thank them for the opportunity and let them know how to get in touch if they need anything in future.
Knowing there’s no real definitive answer to how a nanny should say goodbye enables you to create a sense of warmth and reassurance whilst maintaining your professionalism. These tips can help you ensure that saying goodbye is both a positive and reassuring experience for the child you’ve been caring for as well as their parents.
Welcome to Sommet Nannies, a nanny agency with presence in Boston, Chicago, Washington DC, New York and nationwide. We help busy families find dedicated and caring college-educated nannies.
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