What information to leave for your nanny in case of emergency

Imagining your child in an emergency situation is frightening. One of the most important things nannies can do is to be prepared for dealing with any eventualities that might arise while your child is in their care.

Whilst we'd like to hope that nothing bad ever happens, in all likelihood your nanny will find themselves faced with an unexpected situation at some point. By preparing ahead, parents can ensure that their nanny is fully equipped to deal with any emergency that might occur.

1) Information to leave for your nanny in case of emergency

It is essential that your nanny has all the necessary information required to deal with any emergency. This information should be written down and also communicated verbally to ensure it is fully understood. It is a good idea to keep a copy of this information in the house and car and ensure your nanny has access to a digital copy on their mobile phone.

a) Emergency contacts

In the event of an emergency, your nanny will need all the relevant contacts to deal with the situation rapidly and appropriately.

Many parents provide their nanny with a mobile phone that is pre-programmed with all the necessary telephone numbers but it is also a good idea to print this list off and keep it in strategic locations.

Emergency contacts to leave for your nanny include:

  • Telephone numbers for (both) parents, including mobile and work numbers.

  • Contact numbers for a relative, friend, or neighbor who can take over childcare duties if necessary.

  • Name, location, and telephone number of doctors, dentists, eye care specialists, and any other relevant healthcare professionals.

  • Emergency services contact information - 911, the fire department, the police department, and the Poison Control helpline.

Remember that you also need all the relevant emergency information for your nanny, including their doctor, contact details of a relative or close friend, and any allergies or medical conditions.

b) Medical information

Keeping your children safe and healthy is the main priority for any nanny. To help them do this, any relevant medical information for your children must be provided in writing, including:

  • Medical conditions

  • Current medications

  • Allergies

  • Relevant past medical history

In addition, it is essential to have a plan in place for if you are unable to be contacted in an emergency - is the nanny authorized to make medical decisions, or would you prefer another family member or friend? You also need to ensure that your nanny has authorization to pass on medical insurance details should your child need emergency healthcare.

c) Emergency plans

It is important to think about what might happen in a worst-case scenario and have an emergency plan in place for your children and their nanny. Make sure you have a clear evacuation plan and a designated meeting point should a major incident occur. In areas prone to extreme events such as tornados or earthquakes, you should have an action plan that can be communicated to your nanny.

If there is a designated safe place on your property, such as a shelter or bunker to protect from tornadoes or hurricanes, make sure your nanny knows where it is and how to access it.

2) Tips for preparing your nanny for incidents or emergencies

It is not sufficient to simply give all the information above to your new nanny - take the time to sit down together and read through it, enabling you to answer any questions and clarify key points. Continue to do this regularly, such as when you check in with your nanny to see how things are going.

It is also a good idea to do an informal 'debrief' with your nanny should any incidents occur. This can help you both iron out any unexpected issues that cropped up, and also help reassure your nanny of the best course of action should something similar arise in future.

Caring for someone else's children carries a huge responsibility, and it is vital to ensure your nanny feels supported and appreciated when they have dealt with an emergency. So be sure to praise good judgement, and be kind and considerate when sharing any necessary constructive feedback.

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